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Monday, July 10, 2017

Deborah's Best Man

"Deborah's Best Man" ~

There's an available, healthy, middle-aged man searching and waiting for me, an available, healthy middle-aged woman. Synchronicity will make this happen and with your power, there will be two less lonely people in the world. He must pass your guidelines and be known by you or me.

I'm done with on-line dating sites and shooting in the dark. (I think the men on -line are probably in prison!) I have a spark, however, I can't start a fire without the perfect match.

So you may swiftly connect my best man, a loving guide to me, you need to know who I am.

Who is and Isn't Deborah Gilson?

A Loving, Supportive, Grateful Mother: Her best man is a father in kind
Democrat/Extreme Liberal
Relocating: To be closer to her son and relatives
Compassionate to all who are compassionate
Divorced: The best man for her has been married
Healthy: Emotionally, mentally, spiritually, physically
Funny: Loves to laugh!
Not into Alcohol: Rarely imbibes. Those days are gone.
Vegan: Organic produce, too.
Foods: Asian, especially Thai, raw (uncooked veggies)
Beverages: Zero VitaWater, Home-made lemonade w/ stevia, iced tea, hot herbal tea in winter, nut/soy kinds of milk, spring water
Not into Tattoos
Handy: No, however, her best man is a handyman
Mechanically Inclined: No, however, her best man is
Computer Savvy: No, however, she's a voracious writer and hopefully, her best man can keep their home computer up to speed
Homeowner: To a beautiful, paid, tidy, comfortable home
Travels: She used to and wishes to do so again - especially to Hawaii, once her beloved homeland
Quiet: Enjoys quiet time
Movies: Loves going to the theater and watching movies at home
Music: Classic Rock to Classical
Spiritual: No religious dogma
Physique: Petite with average frame
Work: Working and striving toward vocation as a published author. Her best man may be working doing what he enjoys or he's retired
Reader: NonFiction, philosophy
Activities: The symphony, cushy camping, bicycle strolls, Farmer's Markets, visiting Family of Friends, writing life's stories, driving to the snow, being on/near water, concerts, museums, art exhibits, garden parties, local live music
Patient: She is now. The best man needs to be patient for those who learn differently, get lost easily and need a calculator to add the simplest of numbers. After all, one cannot expect a fish to climb a tree.
Listener: Prefers listening to talking, which is exhausting.
Comfort Level: No extreme temperatures
Stylish: Enjoys dressing up and going out
Attractive: To her man as he is to her. Value keeping in shape.
Teeth: Excellent pearly whites
Eyes: Blue. Prefers her man to have either blue or green.
Hair: Like a horse's mane. Prefers her best man have hair, too. Bald men drive some women crazy, however, not Deborah.
Smoke/Drugs-free (including Big Pharma's)

Thank you for helping me find my best man. I know he's out there somewhere.